– Displays an in-memory framebuffer to a IS31FL3741 drive display.¶
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- class is31fl3741.IS31FL3741(*, width: int)¶
Create a IS31FL3741 object with the given attributes.
The framebuffer is in « RGB888 » format using 4 bytes per pixel. Bits 24-31 are ignored. The format is in RGB order.
If a framebuffer is not passed in, one is allocated and initialized to all black. In any case, the framebuffer can be retrieved by passing the Is31fl3741 object to memoryview().
A Is31fl3741 is often used in conjunction with a
.- brightness :float¶
In the current implementation, 0.0 turns the display off entirely and any other value up to 1.0 turns the display on fully.
- width :int¶
The width of the display, in pixels
- height :int¶
The height of the display, in pixels